Excel vba on error resume next cancel
Excel vba on error resume next cancel

excel vba on error resume next cancel

excel vba on error resume next cancel

In example 2 (Sub BasicB), an "On Error Resume Next" statement: Whenever you know, expect, or even suspect that a procedure will produce a run-time error, and in this case it is obvious, then one or more error handling statements can be used to complete execution and achieve the desired result. You will see that when the procedure attempts to delete the variable "Test1" (an object that does not exist) the attempt is an "invalid operation" and a run-time error is generated. Next loop to delete variables named "Test1, Test2 and Test3." The procedure creates a variable named "Test2" then starts a For. In example 1 (Sub BasicA), there is no error handler statement.


Once you have the macros copied to the document VBA project, step through the lines of code using the F8 key or the vB Editor Debug toolbar "Step Into" command and observe the results. Try again.", vbOKOnly, "Wrong file type"ĮlseIf Not Right(strFileName, 5) = ".doc""" And i = 3 ThenĮrr.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 2, Description:="Slow user."ĮlseIf Right(strFileName, 5) = ".doc""" Then MsgBox "A new document was created for you."Įrr.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 1, Description:="User cancelled file selection"ĮlseIf Not Right(strFileName, 5) = ".doc""" And i < 3 Then 'User is having problems picking a Word file. OFile = PickFile 'Pick a Word file to open MsgBox "Error number: " & Err.Number & ", Description: " & Err.Description & "On Error and Resume statements clear the " _ MsgBox "You see the err object has been cleared. 'If it is still 6 you would see this message 'Clear the err object and resets run time messaging/fatal stop 'Display the error number using the err.numbernumber property MsgBox StyleName & " style is not found in this docuement" MsgBox StyleName & " style exists in this docuement" Set oStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(styleName) MsgBox styleName & " style is not found in this document." MsgBox styleName & " style exists in this document." J = InputBox(Err.Description & " is not allowed." _ 'Clear the previous err object and enable error handler MsgBox "Aren't you glad you handled that error!" & ActiveDocument.Variables("Test2").Value & ActiveDocument.Variables("Test2").Value 'No longer exists. MsgBox "If present, variable Test" & i & " was deleted." ActiveDocument.Variables("Test2").Value = "Testing"ĪctiveDocument.Variables("Test" & i).Delete

Excel vba on error resume next cancel